Botanical Information Lavandula angustifolia Mill. (under development)

Synonyms No synonym
Common name (en) Lavender
Common name (de) Echter Lavendel
Common name (es) Espliego
Common name (fr) Lavande officinale
Common name (it) Lavanda officinale
Common name (nl) Echte lavendel
Common name (ru) Лаванда узколистная
Common name (vi) Oải hương
Common name (zh) 狹葉薰衣草

Sample preparation Dilute 20 µL of the essential oil to be examined to 1 mL with toluene
Mobile phase Toluene, ethyl acetate 95:5 (v/v)
Derivatization Treat with anisaldehyde solution, heat at 100 °C for 5 min; examine immediatly in daylight
System Suitability Test (SST) According to the monograph
Sample preparation To 0.5 g of the powdered herbal drug add 5 mL of toluene, sonicate for 5 min and filter.
Mobile phase Toluene, ethyl acetate 95:5 (v/v)
Derivatization Treat with anisaldehyde solution, heat at 100 °C for 5 min; examine immediatly in daylight
System Suitability Test (SST) According to the monograph
