Botanical Information Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry (under development)
Synonyms | Caryophyllus aromaticus L. |
Caryophyllus hortensis Noronha | |
Caryophyllus silvestris Teijsm. ex Hassk. | |
Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. | |
Eugenia caryophyllus (Spreng.) Bullock & S.G.Harrison | |
Jambosa caryophyllus (Thunb.) Nied. | |
Myrtus caryophyllus Spreng. | |
Common name (en) | Clove |
Common name (af) | Naeltjies |
Common name (ar) | قرنفل |
Common name (de) | Gewürznelkenbaum |
Common name (fr) | Clou de girofle |
Common name (id) | Cengkih |
Common name (ja) | クローブ |
Common name (ko) | 정향나무 |
Common name (nl) | Kruidnagel |
Common name (pt) | Cravo-da-índia |
Common name (ru) | Гвоздичное дерево |
Common name (th) | กานพลู |
Common name (vi) | Đinh hương |
Common name (zh) | 丁香 |
Sample preparation | Dissolve 1 g of the oil in 10 mL of n-hexane |
Mobile phase | Toluene, ethyl acetate 9:1 (v/v) |
Derivatization | Spray with vanillin-sulfuric acid reagent and heat the plate at 105°C until the spot appear |
Sample preparation | Weigh about 5.0 g of S. aromaticum dried flower buds powder in a round bottom flask and add 25 ml of ethanol. Sonicate the sample for 15 minutes at room temperature. Filter the solution with filter paper. Evaporate the filtrate using rotary evaporator at 60°C. Reconstitute the residue with 20 ml of methanol. Dilute 0.5 mL of the solution to make 1 mL with methanol |
Mobile phase | Heptane, ethyl acetate 7:3 (v/v) |
Derivatization | Spray with 10% sulfuric acid in ethanol |
Sample preparation | To 0.5 g of the powder add 5 mL of ether, shake for several minutes, and filter. The filtrate is used as the test solution |
Mobile phase | Petroleum ether (60-90°C), ethyl acetate 9:1 (v/v) |
Derivatization | Spray with 5% solution of vanillin in sulfuric acid and heat at 105 °C |
Sample preparation | Macerate 1 g of powdered drug with 10 mL of n-hexane overnight. Filter and remove the solvent under reduced pressure. Dissolve the residue in 10 mL of n-hexane |
Mobile phase | Ethyl acetate, toluene 7:93 (v/v) |
Derivatization | Spray with anisaldehyde solution and heat at 105°C for 5-10 min |
Sample preparation | Add 0.5 g of powdered sample to 5 mL of ethyl ether, shake for several minutes, filter and use the filtrate |
Mobile phase | Petroleum ether (30-60ºC), ethyl acetate 9:1 (v/v) |
Derivatization | Spray with 5% sulfuric acid reagent and heat the plate at 105°C until the spot appear |