Botanical Information Melissa officinalis L. (under development)
Synonyms | Faucibarba officinalis (L.) Dulac |
Mutelia officinalis (L.) Gren. ex Mutel | |
Thymus melissa E.H.L.Krause | |
Common name (en) | Lemon balm |
Common name (af) | Suurlemoenbalsem |
Common name (de) | Zitronenmelisse |
Common name (fr) | Mélisse officinale |
Common name (it) | Melissa vera |
Common name (ja) | レモンバーム |
Common name (ko) | 레몬밤 |
Common name (nl) | Citroenmelisse |
Common name (pt) | Erva-cidreira |
Common name (ru) | Мелисса лекарственная |
Common name (th) | สะระแหน่ |
Common name (vi) | Tía tô đất |
Common name (zh) | 蜜蜂花 |
Sample preparation | Place 2.0 g of the powdered herbal drug in a 250 mL round-bottomed flask and add 100 mL of water Distil for 1 h using the apparatus for the determination of essential oils in herbal drugs and 0.5 mL of xylene in the graduated tube. After distillation transfer the organic phase to a 1 mL volumetric flask, rinsing the graduated tube of the apparatus with the aid of a small portion of xylene, and dilute to 1.0 mL with the same solvent |
Mobile phase | Ethyl acetate, hexane 10:90 (v/v) |
Derivatization | Spray with anisaldehyde solution and heat at 100-105°C for 10-15 min |