Botanical Information Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E.H.Wilson (under development)

Synonyms Houpoea officinalis (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) N.H.Xia & C.Y.Wu
Common name (en) Houpu magnolia
Common name (ar) ماغنوليا طبية
Common name (ru) Магнолия лекарственная

Sample preparation To 0.5 g of the powdered herbal drug add 5 mL of methanol, sonicate for 5 min, centrifuge, and use the supernatant. Filter through a membrane filter (nominal pore size 0.45 µm) if necessary
Mobile phase Methanol, ethyl acetate, toluene 4:8:120 (v/v/v)
Derivatization Treat with vanillin reagent, heat at 100-105 °C for 5-7 min and examine
Sample preparation To 0.5 g of the powdered herbal drug add 3.0 mL of methanol. Sonicate for 15 min and centrifuge for 15 min. Transfer the supernatant to a 5 mL flask. Add 2 mL of methanol to the residue, sonicate for 15 min and centrifuge. Transfer the supernatant into the same 5 mL flask. Dilute the combined supernatants to 5.0 mL with methanol. Filter through a membrane filter (nominal pore size 0.45 µm) if necessary
Mobile phase Methanol, ethyl acetate, toluene 1:5:30 (v/v/v)
Derivatization Treat with vanillin reagent, heat at 100-105 °C for 5-7 min and examine
